5th Year Reunion
This past weekend I had the pleasure of going back to NJ for my fifth year high school reunion. It was a blast. It was awesome to meet up with friends that I haven't talked to in five years and see how much people have changed... or how little they've changed. Going into it, I was nervous because I wasn't sure how awkward things were going to be. I knew how Lawrentians(graduates of Lawrenceville) eventually turned out, and I knew I did not fit into that mold. A very good friend of mine reminded me before I left, however, that I didn't need to go back to impress anyone. She asked me: "Did I enjoy my job? Was I content with where I was in my career? Then nothing else matters." And I didn't realize how true that was until I got to the reunion and started to catch up with people. For the most part, no one has changed that much physically... I recognized almost everyone. Otherwise, people were all over the spectrum... many have already graduated and are working full time jobs in either Washington DC or NYC and see other Lawrentians frequently. Some took a year off to travel the world (literaly) and are just graduating, or still have a little time left. Many are starting/about to start Law/Med/Grad school. All of that was to be expected going into the reunion. More that half will end up lawyers/doctors/politicians at some point in their career. But there were the occasional surprise... graphic designers, mother(a 2 year old son), a couple of wives/soon to be wives, famous international athlete, attending seminary, among others.
Regardless of their profession/status-in-the-real-world, everyone I talked to was surprised to hear that I was in Oklahoma taking pictures. I think for them it was different, not the typical path, that intrigued them the most. For me, it was the confidence I had going into the weekend, not being ashamed of my job and chosen profession. I even passed out a couple of business cards. I figured, evey lawyer/doctor/politician needs a picture of themself, and someday I might find myself back in DC or NYC courtesy of a couple names being dropped. Either way, I had a great time this weekend. The only thing that stunk this weekend was that out of everyone there, I didn't take any pictures to bring back and share. I had my camera equipment with me, in the car all weekend, but never used it. Oh well. Maybe I can get a copy from someone else...
Regardless of their profession/status-in-the-real-world, everyone I talked to was surprised to hear that I was in Oklahoma taking pictures. I think for them it was different, not the typical path, that intrigued them the most. For me, it was the confidence I had going into the weekend, not being ashamed of my job and chosen profession. I even passed out a couple of business cards. I figured, evey lawyer/doctor/politician needs a picture of themself, and someday I might find myself back in DC or NYC courtesy of a couple names being dropped. Either way, I had a great time this weekend. The only thing that stunk this weekend was that out of everyone there, I didn't take any pictures to bring back and share. I had my camera equipment with me, in the car all weekend, but never used it. Oh well. Maybe I can get a copy from someone else...
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